Warts (Maru) is a common viral infection caused by one of the verities of viruses from HPV family (human papilloma viruses).
Warts are basically additional growth in the skin with rough or hard layer.
It generally heals by it own, the healing takes a year or more.
There are many types of warts, the type are differentiated by its structure of growth.
Generally warts are treated clinically using Salicylic acid and by Cryotherapy.
Salicylic Acid
Applying Salicylic acid on the Warts will burn or exfoliate the hard skin of the Warts.
Salicylic acid available in gel, liquid and ointment forms. Which needs to apply on the warts, it's advisable to apply petroleum jelly in the normal skin around the warts to avoid the irritation due to the acid.
Use Salicylic peel only under doctors advice.
Cryotherapy is the method of freezing the warts using liquid nitrogen, this method done by health care provider.
Apart from the above clinical methods, there are some home remedies for warts removal.
Tying the Warts
Tying wart with hair is the traditional removal method, this method can be used only on the common warts(picture below).
Tying the warts with hair or nylon thread or dental floss will stop the blood circulation to the warts, which make warts dry and it fell off.
Procedure: Tie the wart between the warts and skin, do it regularly until the warts fell. Since warts be spreadable clean the warts with hot water.
Wrapping Warts with Duct tape
This is one of the effective method, covering the warts with Duct tape will reduce the oxygen flow and make the warts soft, which leads warts dry down.
Procedure: its always good to soak or wash the warts with hot water before proceeding with any treatment. Simply wrap the warts with Duct tape leave it overnight or at least for 2 hours, change the tape every day and do it regularly until the warts fall out.
Applying ACV on warts will work similar to Salicylic acid, it will exfoliate the warts.
Procedure: Dilute ACV with water in 1:2 ratio, dip a cotton into the mixture and place it over the top of warts secure it with band-aid or a tape leave it overnight do it regularly the warts get dry and fell off within a week.
You can use concentrated ACV, but apply petroleum jelly or Castor oil in the normal skin around the warts.
Bromelain in the pineapple help in dissolving the protein in the warts.
Procedure: Apply fresh juice of pineapple using cotton and wrap it with tape or band aid or cut a thin slice of pineapple and keep it over the warts and wrap it.
Allicin in the garlic helps to heal the viral infection due to its microbial property.
Procedure: Crush a garlic clove with little water and apply the paste over the warts and wrap it overnight. Do it regularly and get rid of warts within few weeks.
Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, its help in curing viral infections.
Procedure: Apply the Castor oil over the warts regularly, it will dry out the warts and prevent from coming again.
Banana peel
Massaging warts with inner layer of Banana peel will help in the removal of warts.
Procedure: Simply massage the warts with banana peel, potassium in the banana peel help in healing the viral infection.
Vinegar, lemon juice, orange peel extract, beetle leaves juices also work on Warts removal. Apply them similar to ACV and warp it overnight.
Apart from external applications include vitamin A & C in your diet like Citric fruits, orange, or yellow fruits and vegetables. Which helps in boost your immune and heal HPV infections.
The recipes provided in this page is not given by Health care professionals, these are provided as per personal experience which we tried for year's.
If you are allergic to any of the herbs avoid it also it's advisable to do patch test before proceeding.
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